Availability Definitions

Available - In Stock

Stock is available in our warehouse and in most cases will be dispatched the same day or within one business day. Combined shipping is available with other "Special Order" or "Available - Refurbished" products.

Available - Refurbished

A product that has been professionally refurbished and available in our warehouse. In most cases, the item(s) will be dispatched the same day or within one business day. Combined shipping is available with other "Available - In Stock" or  "Special Order" products.

Special Order

Stock is usually available from our suppliers and is generally dispatched within 4-6 business days to our warehouse before being shipped out to our customer. Before purchasing "Special Order" items please contact us for availability and delivery times. Combined shipping is available with other "Available - In Stock" or  "Available - Refurbished" products. In the event, a supplier is out of stock a refund may need to be given if the order cannot be fulfilled. It is always best to inquire before purchasing "Special Order" items.

Shipped Directly

Stock is usually available and will be sent directly from the supplier's warehouse. With some products, there may be a wait or production time. Please note some suppliers are outside of Australia as such there may be extended delivery times. Most items will be sent with DHL Express - DParts handles all import documentation, taxes, and duties. The price you pay for an item is the final price - there are no additional charges. Combined shipping is not available with any other products. 

If you have any questions related to the availability or delivery/dispatch time of any products please contact us.